Do you know that old Hank Williams Jr. song, Family Tradition? Well, I've got a family tradition too. It's not quite as exciting as Hank's, but it's a heck of a lot tastier. What is mine you ask? Pizza. mmmm. Hot, crusty, cheesy, chewy pizza. Our tradition has been a kind of evolution, of sorts. For as long as I can remember Friday night has been dedicated to pizza at home. Way back when, lets say
15 years 20 years, well it's been a long time, my family and I would head across the street, literally
across the street, for the shopping. The first stop...Chef Boyardee, all in one "make it yourself" pizza kit.
We also picked up some green peppers, onion, and green olives. Oh we were living large. We would come home, my parents would crank up NPR and the stove. In that order. TO THIS DAY, I can't hear the theme song of NPR's All Things Considered, without craving that Chef Boyardee goodness.
As time passed, we got an itch to be a little more adventurous. We evolved from the box o'pizza, to a much more classy
bag of instant pizza crust. Something like Martha White.
Somehow, between not being right out of a box, and actually having to buy sauce separately we felt like we were moving up in the world. Well it wasn't too long after that when we really put our big girl panties on and attempted the ultimate feat...made from scratch, homemade, pizza dough. Oh my gosh. We were the talk of the town. You think I'm kidding? No. The town paper actually wrote an article about us. There wasn't much news in this town mind you, but true story none-the-less. It wasn't long before we were experimenting with pizza peels, quarry tiles in the oven, homemade pizza sauces, there was even talk about making our own mozzarella. We haven't gotten there yet. Yes, we were pizza making monsters. We were searching for challenges, begging for obstacles. We had a hunger that couldn't be satisfied.